Friday, November 3, 2017

[Android MOD] 1Bet TV, your Month in Review is here!

Creator Monthly
November 2017
1Bet TV
186 subscribers
1Bet TV
Creator since
August 2017
Graph Here's how your channel did this month
Minutes watched
View And here are your community numbers
Hello 1Bet TV,
The holiday season is approaching fast. Like, really fast—Google searches related to Christmas started to spike in the last week of October. Time to clear out the last of the Halloween candy and get your content ready for the holiday rush. And be sure to check out the latest updates to our monetization icons.
Monetization icons update
We've updated the technology behind our monetization icons, which reduces misclassifications overall.
Hear directly from the Creator Insider team about why we made this change.
Tom's take
Jingle all the way
The YouTube Audio Library has hundreds of royalty-free songs you can use in your videos. Bonus: Check out the holiday-themed tunes under Genres > Holiday.
Deck the halls—and your content
Need ideas for seasonal content? You can use Google Trends to see what's hot right now, or find out when specific searches start to pick up. Extra credit: The "Get discovered" Creator Academy course shows how to align your title and descriptions with popular search terms.
The season of giving
No matter how you celebrate the holidays, it's a great time to think about how you can give back—whether it's donating to a cause or using your channel to create change in your community. Then you'll be sure to make Santa's "nice" list.
Copyright Qs?
Confused about copyright on YouTube? Get the answers you need with the new Copyright Troubleshooter.
Meet Molly Burke, YouTube creator and motivational speaker who lost the majority of her eyesight at 14 due to a rare genetic disease. Her channel gives purpose to the obstacles she's overcome—and will inspire you about what's possible for you and your channel.
Stay inspired,
Team YouTube
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Được đăng bởi Blogger tới Android MOD vào ngày 11/03/2017 03:42:00 SA

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